
Psychological and ADHD Assessment

One of the unique things about becoming a psychologist is that, compared to other mental health professionals, we receive lots (and lots!) of specialized training in comprehensive assessment and diagnosis. There are a variety of situations that call on this specialized skill set. 

Some of the most common reasons why I complete formal evaluations are to determine the presence or absence of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), offer clarification when multiple issues seem to be occurring and the diagnostic picture is complex, and to assess the impact of personality traits on functioning and engagement in therapy.

In some cases, a correct diagnosis is, in and by itself, an important initial therapeutic step that provides an explanation for what somebody has been struggling with. It can be reassuring to know that what you’re dealing with is understood by others and something that can be treated. Moreover, the more carefully and thoroughly assessed an issue is, the more confidence can then be given to a diagnosis and treatment approach (which fuels motivation).

When mental health needs are incorrectly diagnosed, or incorrectly prioritized, this can lead to inefficient or ineffective approaches, delaying relief from painful distress. 

Because the mental health needs of individuals differ greatly from person-to-person, I offer different types of psychological assessments, which are summarized below and in the table following. 

If you are unsure whether a psychological assessment is appropriate for you or your loved one, or if you are unsure what type of evaluation is warranted, please schedule a free consultation! As part of a consultation, I am happy to complete screens for ADHD or other mental health needs so that you can determine whether a more detailed evaluation is indicated.

A basic assessment involves taking a detailed personal history and identifying the most common problems and concerns that psychologists see. Specifically, this type of evaluation assesses mood (depression, bipolar), anxiety (generalized anxiety, panic, social anxiety, phobias), trauma (PTSD, prolonged grief), substance use, eating, sleep, and obsessive-compulsive disorders.

Comprehensive evaluations contain all of the measures used in a basic assessment as well as a detailed evaluation of personality traits and personality disorder symptoms. To aid with this, a tool called an objective personality test is used, that collects lots of useful information about a wider array of mental health symptoms, personality and interpersonal features, personal strengths, and social/environmental influences. This level of assessment is particularly important when a diagnostic picture is complex and multiple modes of evaluation are needed for corroboration.

ADHD assessments are used to gather fine-grained detail about the possible presence of ADHD symptoms, neurocognitive deficits at the heart of the disorder, common co-occurring problems, and the impact of ADHD symptoms on a person’s functioning at home, work, school, and other domains. Collateral data are sought from external sources (e.g., parents, spouses, supervisors, teachers) and multiple modes of evaluation are used to ensure confidence in a diagnosis. ADHD evals screen for the presence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and multiple types of specific learning disorder (SLD). Detailed testing in these areas are outside the scope of this evaluation. Should you or your loved one appear to have ASD or SLD, appropriate referral options will be provided for diagnostic confirmation and treatment. If you have questions about ADHD or its assessment, please check out my ADHD Q&A page and my resources page.

Regarding age, I evaluate all adolescents and adults age 16 and older. I ensure that age-appropriate assessment tools are always used.

After the completion of all assessments, a detailed written report will be provided to you and any others who you select, including your other mental healthcare providers. This report will contain a list of the specific assessment tools used, your detailed results and scores, any diagnoses, and specific, detailed treatment recommendations. Letters of support will be provided as needed to aid in the request for accommodations. Lastly, a 30-minute assessment feedback session will be completed, which will provide you an opportunity to ask any remaining questions and schedule next treatment steps. The cost of this feedback session is already included in the prices listed.


General Psychotherapy

